Download the d Hand-held Object Dataset

HOD: Hand-held Object Dataset

Xiong Lv     Shuang Wang     Shuang Liu     Shuqiang Jiang

Institute of Computing Technology, CAS


Hand-held Object Dataset (HOD) is collected for hand-held object recognition, the goal of which is to recognize the specified objects held in users' hand. Following the trend of recogntion during human-object interaction, HOD not only provides the point clouds, but also the three-dimensional coordinates of human skeleton as the context. This dataset has 16 categories and each has four object instances, 12800 images in total. Each image consists of a colored point cloud and human skeletal data.

Data Collection

With the Kinect mounted still at chest height, we let two people collect 100 frames holding each object instance, respectively in two different scenes. We use OpenNI to derive the colored point cloud, and use use NITE, a Middleware of OpenNI, to derive skeletal coordinates. Frames are collected at 1 fps. The resolution setting of Kinect output is 640*480. We have performed simple recovery algorihtms on missing depth values.

Data Format

For each frame, we store the point cloud and skeletal data respectively in two different files. The point cloud is stored in standard PCD (Point Cloud Data) file format. More details about PCD format, see here. The skeletal data contains 15 points, respectively for JOINT_HEAD,JOINT_NECK,JOINT_LEFT_SHOULDER,JOINT_RIGHT_SHOULDER,JOINT_LEFT_ELBOW,JOINT_RIGHT_ELBOW, JOINT_LEFT_HAND,JOINT_RIGHT_HAND,JOINT_TORSO,JOINT_LEFT_HIP,JOINT_RIGHT_HIP,JOINT_LEFT_KNEE, JOINT_RIGHT_KNEE. Each coordinate is defined as (floating). These 15 three-dimensional coordinates are stored in binary format one by one. Point cloud file is <basedir>/<category_name>/<instance_id>/<scene_id>/<person_id>/<file>.pcd and the associating skeleton file is. under the same directory with file extension '.ske'.


Download the dataset here. The file size is 22.7 GB.

Related Paper

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Xiong Lv, Shuqiang Jiang, Luis Herranz, Shuang Wang
JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 30(2): 340–352 Mar. 2015. DOI 10.1007/s11390-015-1527-0
Combining heterogenous features for 3D hand-held object recognition
Xiong Lv, Shuang Wang, Xiangyang Li, Shuqiang Jiang
Proc. the international society for optics and photonics (SPIE) 9273, Optoelectronic Imaging and Multimedia Technology III, 92732I (October 29, 2014); doi:10.1117/12.2071381.
Hand-Object Sense: A Hand-held Object Recognition System Based on RGB-D Information
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In Proceedings of the 23st ACM international conference on Multimedia (MM '15)}. ACM, Brisbane, Australia.(Accepted)


  • This homepage of HOD dataset is made public at 05/01/2014.


If you have any questions, corrections or other issues, please contact Xiong Lv (, Shuqiang Jiang (